Episode #2: Pyrokinetic Poltergeist Phenomena
Alana Brings us three tales that are sure to spark your interest!
In this Episode, we delve into three unrelated tales that will send a chill down your spine while turning up the heat. The three cases explore various incidents of unexplained fires cropping up around the United States, some possible explanations, and possibly another corporate conspiracy? All that and more in Spookery's very own Pyrokinetic Poltergeist Phenomena!

Sources Cites:
Adams, Nene. “10 Mysterious Fires Caused by Ghosts.” Listverse, 21 June 2014, https://listverse.com/2013/06/29/10-mysterious-fires-caused-by-ghosts/
Brumfield, Dale M. “The 28 Fires of Odon.” Medium, Lessons from History, 8 July 2021, https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-28-fires-of-odon-5314f8b62e28
Cosby, Don. “Unusual Events Occurred in Daviess County - Part II.” Washington Times Herald, 22 July 2014, https://www.washtimesherald.com/news/local_news/unusual-events-occurred-in-daviess-county---part-ii/article_fe19e6db-462e-570d-8f45-5a88c5b816b2.html
Elsner, David. “Bulldozers Lay House to Rest.” Chicago Tribune, 8 Aug. 2021, https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1988-10-16-8802070618-story.html
Hauntings, American. “The Macomb Firestarter.” American Hauntings, https://www.americanhauntingsink.com/macomb
Hudson, Cullan. “Firestarters: Two Illinois Cases Hint at Pyrokinetic Poltergeist Phenomena.” Strange State - Paranormal Mysteries, 28 June 2010, http://strangestate.blogspot.com/2010/06/firestarters-two-illionois-cases-hint.html
Hovel, Haunted. “The Macomb Poltergeist Case. All the Details!” The Macomb Poltergeist Case. All the Details!, http://www.hauntedhovel.com/macombpoltergeist.html
Jane, Tori. “A 1940s Indiana Home Once Had 28 Fires Set in One Day by an Unseen Force and It Was Never Explained.” OnlyInYourState®, 4 Dec. 2020, https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/indiana/1940s-fire-poltergeist-in/.
Nevel, Jason. “Macomb Poltergeist.” Western Courier, 30 Oct. 2007, https://westerncourier.com/19262/news/macomb-poltergeist/
News, Deseret. “Bull or Not, Spooky House Is Bulldozed.” Deseret News, Deseret News, 15 Oct. 1988, https://www.deseret.com/1988/10/15/18780585/bull-or-not-spooky-house-is-bulldozed
News, Deseret. “Bull or Not, Spooky House Is Bulldozed.” Deseret News, Deseret News, 15 Oct. 1988, https://www.deseret.com/1988/10/15/18780585/bull-or-not-spooky-house-is-bulldozed
Swancer, Brent. “Mysterious Cases of Pyromaniac Poltergeists.” Mysterious Universe, 27 June 2016, https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2016/06/mysterious-cases-of-pyromaniac-poltergeists/
Undine. Newspaper Clipping of the Day, 3 Dec. 2014, http://strangeco.blogspot.com/2014/12/newspaper-clipping-of-day.html
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Art was created by the amazing Rhian Perry, All music is from the Epidemic Sound Library.
Until next time, Stay Spooky!