Episode #8: The Tale of the Tailypo
Tailypo.... Tailypo.... This episode is a slice of personal history as Alana tells us all about the monster that lurked under her bed. It's creepy, it's menacing, and it's up to the Spookery Gals to make it 1000 times worse. This Cryptid and Folklore episode has everything, from chilling nightime tales, to an arts and crafts section, and we even break down the creative writing process! And who knows... maybe it'll awake a core memory of some long forgotten childhood horror like it did with Lady...

Source Cited:
Admin. “Tailypo.” Storytelling for Everyone, 20 Oct. 2021, https://storytellingforeveryone.net/tailypo/
Doyle, Ceili. “Ode to the Tailypo: The Story behind a Spooky Appalachian Folktale.” The Columbus Dispatch, The Columbus Dispatch, 21 Oct. 2022, https://www.dispatch.com/story/lifestyle/features/2022/10/21/tailypo-appalachian-ohio-native-shares-spooky-folktale-this-halloween/69536772007/
Galdone, Joanna, and Paul Galdone. The Tailypo: A Ghost Story. Clarion, 1977
Gardner, Jeremy and Christian Stella, directors. After Midnight. Cranked Up Films, 2019
Gibbs, Laura. “Taily-Po.” Brer Rabbit and the Witch-Rabbit, 2019, https://sites.google.com/view/brerrabbitf19/taily-po?pli=1
Harris, Joel Chandler. Taily-Po. Vol. 23, Metropolitan Magazine, 1906
Harris, Joel Chandler. Uncle Remus Returns. McKinlay, Stone & Mackenzie, 1918
Kellermeyer, Michael. “Tailypo (a Chilling Re-Telling of the Appalachian Legend): A Ghost Story for Halloween.” Oldstyletales, Oldstyletales, 1 Dec. 2020, https://www.oldstyletales.com/single-post/tailypo-a-chilling-re-telling-of-the-appalachian-legend-a-ghost-story-for-halloween
McCasland, Cameron, director. Tailypo, Red Headed Revolution Pictures, 2015, Accessed 2023
Powell, Eric. Hillbilly: The Midnight Devilment of the Tailypo. Vol. 5, 2017
Scary For Kids. “Tailypo.” Scary For Kids, 29 Sept. 2015, https://www.scaryforkids.com/tailypo/
Templeton, Mike. “Tailypo, Tailypo, Who or What Is Tailypo.” Welcome to UACC, 9 Oct. 2022, https://uacvoice.org/2022/10/tailypo-tailypo-who-or-what-is-tailypo/
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Art was created by the amazing Rhian Perry, All music is from the Epidemic Sound Library.
Until next time, Stay Spooky!